Title: In-eo (인어) Pairing: YunJae Rating: PG-13 (for now) Length: Chaptered Disclaimer: Nope; not mine. Summary: Rescue a merman! Check! Room with him! …Check? Fall in love with him! Wait, what?!
Title: In-eo ( 인 어 ) Pairing: YunJae Rating: PG-13 (for now) Length: Chaptered Disclaimer: Nope; not mine. Summary: Rescue a merman! Check! Room with him! …Check? Fall in love with him! Wait, what?!
Title: In-eo ( 인 어 ) Pairing: YunJae Rating: PG-13 (for now) Length: Chaptered Disclaimer: Nope; not mine. Summary: Rescue a merman! Check! Room with him! …Check? Fall in love with him! Wait, what?!